
Приказују се постови за 2019

My dream house

My dream house...                                                    I imagine my dream house so that it is not very big,but that there is enough space for everyone. I wish i had my room, because i share this one with my brother. I love my brother, but i want my kuttak for myself.I wish my dream house had a nice yard.Yes there is a lot of grass. Yes i can play football with my brother and friends. I wish there were lots of flowers, too,and have my dog because i love animals. My dream house would also have a summer house where i would sit with friends and play board games during the summer.My room would have the motives of my favorite club.In my room i would put one bed,a closed,a desk,on armchair and all my toys. This is what my dream house would look like . Not too big, but enough for everyone. For dad,mom,brother and me.         ...


MISLJENJE O ISTORIJI Istorija je jedan vrlo zanimljiv i vrlo poucan predmet.Treba dosta truda,slusanja i zalaganja na casu da bi ga lepo savladali.A da bi se upotpunilo znanje istorije treba istrazivati i zanimati se za ovaj predmet.           CILJ   Cilj koji sebi postavljam u petom razredu, a i dalje, da naucim  sve o proslosti istorije,tokodje i da sacuvam to znanje,i da se trudim da to sta naucim pretvorim u pozitivnu ocenu           KAKO OSTVARITI TAJ CILJ Taj cilj mogu ostvariti samo velikim zalaganjem i ucenjem.Slusanjem na casu i da se posvetim ucenju bar sat vremena dnevno svaki dan. Iako sam poceo lose,trudicu se da budem bolji. 


Mein freund heiBt Sava Milanovic. Er ist auch aus Serbien. Liebt fuBball, und sommer.Er ist 12 jahre alt.


Hallo,mein name ist Lazar Coric,ich kome aus Kragujevac.Ich mag fuBbal . Ich mag niht gimnastick. Ich komme aus Serbien.    


To begin with, my name is Lazar Coric i live in Kragujevac, in the most beautiful city. I am eleven years old. I,m going to fifth grade in elementary school "Milutin i Draginja Todorovic." I love playing foodball with my friends, i also love animals,. most dogs. I love  summer, i like riding a bike . Good people are nice to me.


My favoruite hero is  caled kid danger .He is a charaeter from the eponymous selies i follow.I love his characfer because he is always relaxed,smiling and always for aetion. Hi my name is Lazar Coric.I am from Kragujevac.I love Football,animal show and dog. 








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Hallo,,mein name ist Lazar Coric ,ich komme aus Serbian. Ich wohne in Kragujevac.Ich liebe fuBall und tiere,die meisten Hunde.Ich bin ein schuler der funflen klosse.




Odgovorno koriscenje interneta
Zdravo, ja sam Lazar Coric,imam 11 god. Idem u peti razred osnovne skole Milutin i Draginja Todorovic.. Volim da igram fudbal sa svojim drugarima. Volim racunare , i da radim na njima. Takodje volim biologiju i istoriju.